Only Up

Only Up

Blog Article

A platformer game that was created and released by SCKR Games in the year 2023 is called Only Up! The game was first made available on Steam on May 24, 2023, but it was taken down permanently in September of the same year due to the controversy that surrounded the exploitation of intellectual content. The players take control of the character Jackie and are tasked with overcoming a series of challenges that are made up of real-world objects in order to reach the moon.

It was acclaimed for how challenging it was, but it was criticized for the visuals and the way it was designed for the levels. It was likened to challenging climbing games like Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, which was a popular example. Within a short period of time following its first release, Only Up! quickly became one of the most popular games on Twitch. It was also nominated for the very first Vtuber Awards and The Streamer Awards.

Playing the Game
A little child enters a filthy elevator while walking through the smoke.
At the beginning of the game, the character is located in a junkyard.
The action of Only Up! starts in a junkyard, where the player character, Jackie, is tasked with traversing a variety of obstacles and levels by running, climbing, jumping, and vaulting. It is possible for the player to bypass some parts of the obstacle course by using the mattresses that are scattered across the area as trampolines. To win the game, the player must work their way to the top of the map. In order to control Jackie's movements, the player may choose to slow down time. Neither checkpoints nor the ability to save progress are available to the player in this game.

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